The Punjab Assembly was disgruntled when during Tuesday’s session treasury member Sheikh Alauddin tabled a resolution demanding road between Kutchery and Neela Gumbad be named after Dr Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner, former principal of Government College who also laid the foundation stone of Punjab University. The assembly did not like the notion of naming a road after a Hungarian professor who although served meritoriously in the field of education for the betterment of the masses in this region.
Alauddin tried to prove it to the house that Dr Leitner deserved all the respect since he provided an opportunity for their forefathers to abreast themselves with education in 1800s but the assembly was not happy with naming the road after a non-Muslim. The treasury member detested the fact that the government was changing the names of various monuments earlier named after sub-continent’s non-Muslim heroes.
Law Minister Rana Sanaullah barged in the discussion saying, “Who invited the British to come to this region and plant their saplings? No one did. We cannot accept them as our heroes. Our heroes are those performed prominently in the fields of social services, civic development and in the freedom movement. Leitner was born in Hungary. He can not be the hero of a Muslim nation.”
Jamaat Islami’s Dr Waseem and Pakistan People’s Party’s Faiza Malik also opposed the resolution and thus the resolution was rejected with majority.
Bunch of ungrateful cavemen
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